Forest Myers,

President 1 Jan 2024



Official Duties

The President’s duty shall be to oversee and instruct administrative operations of the church and to preside at meetings of the Church Council, Voter’s Assembly, and general congregational meetings. They ensure each Council member, chairperson of special committees, and appointed members conduct their assigned duties as prescribed. Makes every effort to ensure each position is filled to the best of their abilities within the designated authority. The President is authorized to sign checks and to include contracts with vendors and organizations deemed essential for the welfare of the church per Council approval and Voter’s Assembly vote approval. The President oversees Trinity Lutheran Church's website and submits articles on a monthly basis to the Newsletter.

The President conducts the Order of Business for meetings as follows:

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Roll Call
  3. Reading of minutes
  4. Reception of new members
  5. Report of Treasurer
  6. Reports of Committees
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment with Prayer